Rosalie Ávila, una adolescente de descendencia hispana, sufrió durante dos años las burlas y los insultos de sus compañeros de clase, hasta que decidió quitarse la vida colgándose en su habitación. En su nota de despedida escribió que era “fea y perdedora”, como le decían constantemente los que le hacían bullying.

Rosalie, de 13 años, vivía en California y estudiaba en la Mesa View Middle School, donde fue víctima de acoso escolar o bullying por parte de sus compañeros de clase, que constantemente la tildaba de “fea” y “perdedora”, según relataron sus familiares y otros estudiantes.

El constante maltrato verbal llevó a Rosalie al suicidio, colgándose del techo de su habitación. Todo su sufrimiento quedó plasmado en un diario personal, donde la adolescente detalló los nombres de los compañeros que se burlaban, así como la forma en la que la humillaban y los insultos que le decían por que ella usaba aparatos en los dientes o por la forma cómo se vestía.

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After being bullied by her middle school peers for two years, 13-year-old Rosalie Avila of Yucaipa, California tragically tried to take her life on Tuesday, Nov. 28th. She was taken to hospital and removed from life support on Friday, Dec. 1, 2017. . Rosalie left behind a letter apologizing and mentioned that she was "ugly" and a "loser." The school was aware of Rosalie's bullying and she had been in counseling, according to her aunt. Rosalie kept a journal of the people who hurt her and those who called her ugly and put her down, according to her mother. . Her parents said their daughter would often cut her wrists. "I remember a couple nights she'd come home, telling me that the kids are calling her names about her teeth. I go, 'You have braces, honey, don't worry. The braces are going to come off,' and she said, 'Yeah, but my teeth are straight and they're still making fun of me,'" her father said. . Then, on Tuesday, Rosalie hanged herself. "That's a vision you never want to see from your daughter in her bedroom," her mother said. “We had her in counseling, but I really feel like social media is such a big thing on kids," her mother added. "I think kids don't have the maturity to handle it." . Rosalie's emotional father had a message for people everywhere. "Think about what you say before you say it because your words are going to hurt somebody," Freddie Avila said, in tears. . Rosalie was described as a loving and warm individual who was a great artist and always got good grades. Her family said she loved the snow as much as she loved the beach and enjoyed singing. Her dream was to become a lawyer so she could make the world a better place. Be at peace Rosalie… 💜 #rosalieavila #riprosalie #riprosalieavila #stopbullying #endbullying #instamemorials #bullyingawareness #suicideawareness #suicideprevention #bullyinghurts

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Su madre, Charlene Ávila, fue la primera en encontrar a su hija colgada en la habitación. Con gritos de horror, alertó a su esposo y padre de Rosalie, Freddy Ávila, y ambos la trasladaron inmediatamente al hospital, donde la joven permaneció tres días conectada a un respirador artificial.

El 01 de diciembre, los médicos le diagnosticaron muerte cerebral a Rosalie y sus padres decidieron desconectarla y donar sus órganos. Según los familiares, la joven hispana soñaba con ser abogada y quería ayudar a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor.
